SC - American sugar consumption

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at
Fri Apr 27 18:38:00 PDT 2001

> 125 pounds of sugar, PER PERSON, per year?????  Hell,
> that would be 500 pounds of sugar used in my house
> ALONE!  Not bloody likely, to be sure!  Maybe the
> folks who put these stats together only interviewed
> sugar junkies....

Well, it gets averaged, really, over the listed population, but I believe it.

For one thing, there are hidden sugars in foods-- sauces, dressings, prepackaged meals, breads, etc  even if they are not sweet, there is sugar hiding in it somewhere.

Also, some people eat a lot more refined and obvious sugar than one would think, shall we say, healthy.

I was sub-teaching a morning class at a local high school/jr high and the sugar being inhaled by these kids makes these figures look SMALL. In one hour I saw kids eat multiple pieces of cake/muffins, one or two pops (usually mountain dew), candy, and juices.  All of these items are blantantly full of sugar.  (and then we wonder why they fall asleep by second period... duh!)

So you and I may be eating very little sugar, at least directly (didja ever look at a can of veggies or ketchup??) but its more than being made up for by the others....!

- -Aleska

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