SC - Re: Buffet

Solstice Studios solstice at
Thu Apr 26 11:04:35 PDT 2001

We have quite a few buffet style served feasts in our region, and we don't hvae the problem that you seem to have with buffalos...

We do a lot of potluck feasts, mainly because we are fairly new and its a good way to encourage folks to cook that feel embarrassed to enter the competitions so soon. And its really nice because we get to taste so many peoples' ideas and cooking. After the first couple of feasts, we always seem to get historically
appropriate foods. Now, we make a library available for folks to read, and have a good recipe link section on our web stuff, so this may help. I like the idea of making a meal and then having folks pick which dish to make. I may see about starting that.  We only had trouble twice, that was first one. One month we had lots
of homemade breads. The next month we didn't have ANY :)  after that, it steadied down and we get a NICE mix of all sorts of food items.

We never have a problem with people loading up on too much food the first pass- even without being told, everyone is incredibly polite and just picks up a small first serving. Some folks with eating issues will have more of one item and less of another, but that's not a big deal at all. And then as entertainment ensues and
toasts and announcments, folks go back and get seconds of their favorites. Favorites usually get eating ALLL up, but everyone gets some.

 I really encouragegroups looking for a less work entensive eating event to to consider a potluck buffet. It doesn't take that much work and everyone gets a chance to try their hand at some dishes. We encourage folks to talk about their dishes too-- usually the crowns will ask questions if the person isn't forthcoming.
"this chicken is most fascinating! would the cook of this delicious dish tell us a bit about it" That sort of thing. It really has been great at getting people involved in cooking, and even sampling the presentation of the dish, and its fun for everyone without overloading folks.

Of course, we do other types of feasts too, but I really think the poltucks are a lot of fun, and they are popular with our populace who enjoys the chance to show off their cooking learning and skills.

- -Aleska

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