SC - American sugar consumption

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at
Fri Apr 27 18:38:00 PDT 2001

- --- Christine Seelye-King <kingstaste at>

> 	Well, as you cook professionally, you probably
> don't eat as much
> pre-prepared food as most Americans, but you still
> get more sugar in than
> you think, I'll bet.

You could be right about that, but 158 pounds sounds
like an over abundance of sugar, to me.  I'm curious
to know how much of this sugar goes into horse feed,
dog food, etc... What kind of 'research' did they put
into their research?  Did they bother to track where
all this sugar went, and what it was being used for? 
Did they account for how much sugar is exported to
other countries?  How much sugar-containing food is
exported to needy communities?  The US distributes a
prodigous amount of food to other nations, and I'm not
certain this is being taken into account when they
calculate the 'per capita' sugar usage in the US.

Balthazar of Blackmoor

"The half full glass and the half empty glass both contain the same amount of liquid...the half empty glass, however, has a fly in it."

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