SC - alergic reactions to foods.

Peter Lee rencampbell93 at
Tue Apr 10 07:42:39 PDT 2001

Seafood.. iodine
Mushrooms. spores/mold
olives... sulfates
Ham.. artificial smoke

4 distinct items yet all of them are cause for alarm to me.  Im one of the 
fortunates tho.. i know about my alergies and i carry an injection with me. 
< let me say how much fun that is on a first date.. pardon me but would you 
please not order the shrimp in lobster sauce? I'm afraid my allergies to it 
could cause an anaphalactic reaction and I would be caused to stab myself in 
the leg with a really nasty injection While this may seem somewhat amusing I 
can assure you it would ruin the date for me at least> While it is true that 
many of our contemporary alergies stem from processing/handeling of 
materials it would be insane to assume that at no point in time did sir 
"bob" get done in not on the field but on the feast table.

     Poison is the odvious label for the event and it is as others have said 
a true enough description.  Now lets take a look at our kitchens and think 
for a moment about cross contamination.  How often do we see helpers not do 
the best job of steralization? At a feast last year I walked out of the room 
and leaned heavily on my inhaler until my air way was stable because a 
member of the staff had gone from prepping the ham to prepping an item in a 
different remove and didn't swap gloves. was i poisoned? technically yes ( 
and may the flocks of the asassin suffer mange for all eternity) was it a 
deliberate attempt? Not by a long shot  just bad food handeling habits.

    So finally to recap :) Do I think poisoning was used in alergie 
situations? Yes.. Do I think we can all learn something from it? Sure
do i fela like i've gotten amazingly high on a soapbox which seems to have 
appeared under me? umm yea.. looks like its time to climb back down and 
start to behave again.

just my 2 cents..

Gormal Campbell
Rev. Peter Lee.. pastery chef at large

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