SC - Meat in Earth Oven

Glenda Robinson glendar at
Wed Apr 18 17:38:08 PDT 2001


Yes. We use the East Asian fish sauce, but the one chosen wasn't really very
strong. I got some on my finger and licked it off, and barely tasted it -
the one I use is a much stronger one that comes in a very small bottle. The
oven never appeared, and the people who were planning the food stocks (who
had decided not to bother with my research - damn!) ended up doing things
that weren't anywhere near correct for either ancient or Byzantine, though
some recipes were OK, and the 5 kids at the encampment, who had payed, had
nothing spiced-down provided for them.

Oh well! I'm going to do my own darn cooking next time, more
pre-preparation, and have more visiting and relaxing time as a result.


> >Our oven's going to be made from a metal beehive type frame, with stones
> >artistically placed over it, with as little gaps as possible, and the lot
> >covered with turf until it's sealed. A flat, round stone serves as the
> Some people I know of who use earth ovens put on a layer of clay
> mixed with straw instead of the turf you are using.
> >
> >Roll on Fish sauce, wine vinegar and olive oil. Yum!
> >
> >Glenda
> What do you use for garum--East Asian fish sauce?
> Elizabeth/Betty Cook

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