SC - Re: Wierd but Cool Kitchen Gadgets

Bethany Public Library betpulib at
Tue Apr 24 07:09:57 PDT 2001

I suppose I have a couple of favorites. My current best is the round rubber
mat which is used to peel garlic. Really works, too. You just rub the clove
with two sides of the mat, and the skin is gone, no garlic perfume on the

Other faves include those odd gizmos you can buy as a collection to make
garnishes---the best one looks like one of those helicoptor toys (blade and
spoke), and is used to spiral-slice things like potatoes. Oh, yes, and the
various weird shaped corn-on-the-cob holders we seem to collect at my
house---I actually have some shaped like Santa and Mrs Clause (and still
wonder at that one). And lest we forget, there's the corn butterer---long
dinner fork-like handle, small slotted basket on the end  into which one
places a pat of butter. Wave it across the cob, and viola, melted butter in
all the right places!

But I do have two really cool items I can't like without: First is a
measuring cup that is in two pieces: One part is a plunger, the other part a
sleeve with graduated measurements on it. You pull the plunger down to the
desire measurement, fill the cup, and then push the plunger over the bowl to
get every scrap of the ingredient you measured---works with liquids and
solids.  The second indispensible item for SCA use is a recipe conversion
wheel. It easily converts measured amounts in multiples, so I don't have to
do the math (and we all know how bad Aoife is at math in any variety). To
quote Calvin (and Hobbes), "I think I'm a Math Agnostic".  So It's a
brainsaver for me.



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