SC - Platina sold on eBay, Servers, and etc.

Morgan Cain morgancain at
Wed Apr 25 12:50:39 PDT 2001

I didn't see a final note from everybody - the Platina went for over US$1,000.00.  I'd just gotten a nice bonus from work, but that was over my allotment.  Oh, well!

I second what Gunthar said about the Barony -- I know the Barony!  And yet I was put away from serving at an event there because they decided to have someone from each table do the service for that table, but did have servers for the first two rows and told me bluntly that no other help was needed.  I do differ with that opinion, but I was not in charge of the hall....

This is also the Barony that "takes pride in" having children serve one feast every year.  Never mind the fact that many of the children are too small to handle a tray of food or lift a pitcher of water to table height.  As the children have gotten older, it's less of a problem, but I remember at least one time when there were some serious issues, and except for one man who pretty much focussed on hand-serving his friends at one table, I was the only adult who helped the smaller children.

(Sorry, still annoyed at that one.  Venting over.)

My personal opinion is that servers and kitchen help should be given a break on the feast cost.  Unless the servers come up from the tables, and get to sit with their friends, I think they should be charged half-price, and kitchen help not at all.

This may be one of those YMMV situations, depending on the person in charge, the group, and all sorts of other variables.  I have seen a lot of opinions go by about this in the last week or so, some quite heated, and very little consensus.

                            ---= Morgan

"The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along
 so well is that they have a common enemy."
                                   ---= Sam Levenson
     M. Harold Goodman - 1918 - April 16, 2001
     Husband, father, stepfather, grandfather,
        great-grandfather -=- much beloved

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