SC - Re: Wierd but Cool Kitchen Gadgets

Nelson Beth grdygirl at
Mon Apr 30 12:02:39 PDT 2001

Okay, so now you guys know just how far behind I am in
digests (#3122).  I saw these the other week at
Walmart.  I almost picked them up but talked myself
out of it...dang, I knew I should.  :)

Orlaith of Storvik - Trying to figure out what made me
say yes to doing my first head cook stint at Storvik
Novice tourney in June

It is a set of measuring spoons linked with a ring, as
so many set 
are, but the spoons are not standard measurements. I
only caught a 
glimpse of it, so i don't recall how many there were -
at least 3, 
possibly more - and they included a dash, a pinch, and
a smidgen.

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