SC - rice / squash feast - help!!

margali margali at
Mon Apr 9 21:14:26 PDT 2001

One problem about food allergies, whereas many times it is fairly minor
- - but with mushrooms, it seems you are totally not allergic to them, or
totally will-die-if-i-eat-them allergic to them. I am the latter, and I
cannot pick them off, the food is already contaminated ;-)

It would be a shame for her underwhelming effort at being the feast
steward to ruin a possibly good feast ;-)

How about risi bisi? Rice and peas. Very tasty. Very easy, too - cooked
rice and peas.

For a diabetic dessert - how about daryoles made with splenda subbing
for the sugar? Nothing like a period sort of cheesecake. Alternately,
pears poached in red wine sweetened with splenda and spiced with ginger
and cinnamon.
[splenda is sucralose, a non-nutritive sweetener that will stand up to
the heat without breaking down like equal and tolerated a bit better
than sweet n low.]

- --

MarilynTraber at
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