SC - Re: sour oranges = availablity of

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at
Mon Apr 16 16:45:15 PDT 2001

- --- Devra at wrote:

> By the way, I have a front yard full of wild onions.
>  At least, they smell like onions, they look like
> onions (round hollow leaf, white bulb)...  Does
> anyone know of any non-edible onionoids?  Are all
> members of the onion family edible?
> Lady Devra the Baker

Well, technically all members of the species Allium
are edible, and this includes the ornamental onion,
chives, leeks and garlic.  However, the ornamental
variety is not really grown for eating, but more for,
as the name implies, ornamentation.  Certain varieties
of ornamental onion are very hardy, and can be left in
the ground in all but the harshest of zones, while
others are fairly delicate and make attractive dried
flower components.  The latter type is more suited to
culinary uses than the former, *if* you choose to use
it for that (snipping off the tender green shoots
would be my suggestion, leaving the bulb intact to
grow again next season).  Since none of the onion
family are poisonous, the best way to tell is to
nibble on one...

Balthazar of Blackmoor

"The half full glass and the half empty glass both contain the same amount of liquid...the half empty glass, however, has a fly in it."

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