SC - American sugar consumption

Mark.S Harris mark.s.harris at
Fri Apr 27 16:54:53 PDT 2001

Balthazar of Blackmoor asserted:
> 125 pounds of sugar, PER PERSON, per year?????  Hell,
> that would be 500 pounds of sugar used in my house
> ALONE!  Not bloody likely, to be sure!  Maybe the
> folks who put these stats together only interviewed
> sugar junkies....

You may be thinking only of table sugar. The folks that
came up with that stat are probably including a lot of
the 'hidden' sugars. Not just cane sugar, but corn sugar
and other similar ones.

Look at most prepared foods and sauces. Tomato catsup,
barbeque sauce, mustard. Most of those include sugars.
Bread, crackers, cookies, even canned vegetables often
do also. 

This may even include sugars that are not actually
consumed as sugars. For instance, sugars added during
the production of things like vinegar and alcoholic
beverages. When you consume these, the sugar has
been converted to something else, but it could still
count in a group's consumption of sugar.

Is sugar used in any industrial processes? If so, that
might also account for some of the sugar amount in
this particular statistic.

Just do some checking of the foods in your refrigerator
or pantry. You might be surprised but maybe not pleasantly.

Stefan li Rous
stefan at

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