SC - the menu was Bidding for Feast - Winner's comments

Bonne of Traquair oftraquair at
Thu Apr 5 15:13:30 PDT 2001

I wrote (and Jenne and 'Lainie followed up with):
> > > The only thing that bothers me is that those sticking closely to the 
> > > feast don't get a lump o'protein anywhere.  sure, I know that they 
> > > need it nutriionally at that meal--there are bean dishes and they can 
> > > protein at another meal.  But could you slip a cheese or egg based 
>dish into
> > > course 1 or 3,
> >
> > Aren't both egg and cheese forbidden under medieval lenten restrictions?
>No eggs. No cheese. No butter.
>But the idea that there's no protein indicates to me that someone has
>forgotten their knowledge of basic vegetarian foodstuffs, as well as
>what folks ate in Lent.
>.... There _is_ protein- you
>just have to work a little harder for it.

I didn't really mean that a lump o' protein is needed (nutrionally I know 
that it isn't, and said so.)  What I meant was that there was no dish that 
could be identified as a 'centerpiece' just lots of side dishes.  Some of 
the feastgoers might feel cheated to have only been able to pick through the 
side dishes and not had a 'main dish'.  A platter with a fish on it or some 
sort of egg or cheese pie would fix it.  I forgot that egg/cheese were also 
a no-no at that time.  Perhaps the local equivalent of Brother Bob(?) could 
offer a blanket dispensation?

I wouldn't have been one of those bothered by the lack of main dish as we 
often eat that way.  I sometimes forget what is and isn't a 'main dish'.  I 
took home made mac and cheese to the marching band potluck and while nobody 
said anything about it being a side dish, I could tell at least one was 
bothered.  (she's easily bothered, too bad for her). I was more bothered by 
the takeout food on the tables. Given the number of immigrant kids on the 
band, I was expecting an interesting potluck.  But more than half the 
families brought something they'd picked up at a grocery or resteraunt take 
out window.  :-(    too bad for me.

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