SC - Not eating cute furry animals

Radigan Leoncouer leoncouer at
Sat Apr 14 16:58:08 PDT 2001

 I agree with your sentiments totally..too bad the rest of the sca does not hold a similar 'live and let live' attitude.
- --

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 12:34:19   
 KallipygosRed wrote:
>In a message dated 4/5/01 6:03:46 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
>melcnewt at writes:
>> I don't eat rabbit either, wasn't real whoopie on Deer meat either, until we
>> had one given us. If you don't want to eat a animal that is your choice. I
>> don't like veggies either but Vegans don't harrass me about it. 
>I actually have another standing on it, from having once lived in Alaska and 
>been on moose hunts: I have no problems with anyone wanting to eat 
> long as they eat. I can't abide *trophy* hunters who take a 
>portion of the beast, and use nothing else. I know the Indians of Alaska use 
>all of the moose, including bone...and a moose will feed a family of six for 
>five months. So, my only gripe is against people who hunt for heads  or horns 
>and leave the rest to rot. I have fed Vegans ("no meat, dairy, or fish...not 
>even tuna"), Meat Eaters ("I'm at the top of the food chain for a reason"), 
>Wheat/Egg Avoiders ("so high in cholesterol or makes me fat"), Green Avoiders 
>("I don't like green. I just don't"), and Neandrathals ("yes, its a lovely 
>feast, where's the ketchup?"). I don't have problems with any constraints 
>anyone puts on what they eat, as long as they don't force those constraints 
>on me or are rude about my own choices. Like I said, the only one that really 
>bothers me, and may elict comment are the Trophyites ("Ewww, eat bear, how 
>disgusting? But the head makes a nice hat rack, eh?").

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