[Sca-cooks] [Sca-cooks]OT-The One True Tigger

Anne Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 30 22:31:16 PDT 2001

Thank you both!

I think I read that story in school... connected in my mind with Lit.
Books. I didn't remember the word "four" either, but since I also didn't
remember who wrote it, where I read it, or anything else, I didn't consider
my memory of it to be very reliable.

Now, that's an idea. Find the dishes mentioned in our favorite books, and
try them out.

> [Original Message]
> From: Ted Eisenstein <Alban at socket.net>
> >The above is from a Stephen Leacock short story called "Gertrude the
> >Governess". FWIW, I believe the actual quote does not include the word
> >"four".
> So I've got a fallible memory. . .
> Isn't that the same story that starts "It was a dark and stormy night on
> west end of London. Fortunately, our story takes place on the east coast
> of Kent, where it was a warm and cheeful night", or something very close
> that?
> (I have _got_ to reread him. Right after all those other books I have got
> reread.)
> By the way, to haul this whole thread back into shouting distance of the
> list. . . In the Bertie-and-Jeeves stories, Bertie's aunt's husband has an
> excellent French chef. Some of his creations are mentioned in the stories.
> Has anyone ever actually tried to come up with those creations?
> Alban
> _________

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