[Sca-cooks] Adamantius Fan Club... AND A CHALLENGE

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Thu Dec 6 06:48:49 PST 2001

Oh you guh-ys!!!! *sigh*

First, I saw this, from Drake:

> Hmmm, I can see the Gaius Tacitus Adamantius fan club web site
> offering nude calendars of Adamantius with various kitchen implements
> (and for december, a plate of cuskynoles) tactically placed over the
> naughty bits...

Then I saw this, from Cariadoc:

> The cuskynoles--more precisely, the heretical pseudo-cuskynoles--are
> the naughty bits.

And then I see this in a post from Lucrezia:


And now I have visions of His Grace and Master A, dressed as Pope and
Anti-Pope (and no, I refuse to say which is which) sending thunderbolts
at each other, and the Inquisitors in their trendy black and whites out
looking for fruit-filled pasrty to see if it is canonical...


So now does Father Abelard, part-time Inquisitor, pass sentence! All
three of you, to redeem yourselves, must each present to the list the
redaction of one recipe- previously not published in a public venue- so
that we can argue over it and rake you over the coals and have fun with
period food. AND NO CUSKYNOLES! Father Abelard wants a NEW controversy!
SOmething better than Cadbury's vs. raviolis! So there!

(and so waves the good Father's hand in benediction)

Harumph! There you go!

who is looking forward to seeing what comes of this

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