[Sca-cooks] meat "substitutes"- Rant

Philippa Alderton phlip_u at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 28 14:45:02 PST 2001

--- Deb <Deb at chicagojo.com> wrote:

> Well is there an easier way to convey the
> defination. For Example isnt
> Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian easier then saying I'm a person
> who wont eat Meat, but
> will eat eggs, milk, honey, and cheese? I guess I
> just see it as a  kind of
> shorthand.

It may be, but I've noticed that despite the
shorthand, you still need to explain what you're
talking about- for example, "Does ovo-lactarian
vegetarian mean they do, or they don't eat ovos and
milk. And what the blazes are ovos anyway?"

> So the problem was that they tried to serve the same
> food four days in a
> row, not implicitly that it was vegetarian. Who
> knows, had they served you
> Ground beef straight for four days in a row, you may
> have gone into town
> looking for a nice salad.

Well, true, but if they'd served me a variety of
veggie dishes, I'd likely have gone looking for
something else, just because I'm used to my usual
diet. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- the
only "unusual" diet that I've experienced that doesn't
leave me feeling like I've only had half a meal is the
Kosher diet.....

> But again on the Veggie Taco we are bringing in the
> use of a "fake meat"
> TVP. (Textured Vegetable Protien. )

If you say so. Load my taco with anything veggie-
olives, carrots, beans, whatever, and leave the TVP
out of it, and as long as there's plenty, w/plenty of
good hot sauce, I'm fine. Even if you loaded it with
bean curd.... just, please don't try to pretend it's

Its all in how
> you serve it.


> personally am addicted to Veggie hot dogs with
> Veggie chili at the bar under
> my office. Sure they are called hotdogs what else
> should they be called? The
> are the proper size and shape for a hot dog, should
> we call them soy product
> sausages? or do sausages have to contain meat too?
> Sometimes I'm not looking
> for the greasy taste of the meat and the flavor of
> the veggie dog with chili
> and onions hits the spot. (again my choice)

Yeah, agreed. I'm just complaing about what, for lack
of a better term, I think I'll start calling "stealth
veggies" ;-)

> As far as Ming Sai, well what he does is his
> business. He's not even a
> vegetarian, so its not really an example of a
> vegetarian trying to pass it
> off as "tasting like meat"

True, but was just one more irritation in a long
series of irritations.

> Why call it a burger bun and not call it just a
> "roll" or "patty roll" ?
> Does a burger have to be meat based?

Well, that USED to be a generally understood/implied
term- hamburgers became venison or buffalo burgers,
despite the fact that hamburgers never had ham in
them, and cheese burgers merely described the addition
of cheese, rather than the substitution of cheese for

> Then mayhaps you want to rant at them, not about
> Vegetarians in general.
> I've never attempted to convert anyone.

Glad to hear that, but I'm referring to them basicly
as one of the more extreme examples I've had to deal
with, because their dear friends, whereas other folks
I can simply blow off or ignore.

> I can think of another example here to.

(discussion of buffalo chicken wings snipped here,
involving veggie vs chicken vs pepper sauce and bleu
cheese dressing )

> Am I making sense?

You are, sorta, but why do the hafta be "veggie
chicken wings" ? Why not just enjoy deep-fried
whatever- mozzarella, carrots, bean curd, caulifower,
doused in hot sauce and dipped in blue cheese and/or
ranch dressing, and leave it at that?

It's not the foods themselves I'm down on- as I've
mentioned, there's not too much food that I won't eat,
as long as it's good food, well-prepared. What I am
down on is the obnoxious combination of pseudo-meats,
and vegetarian mystique, and the politico-para
religious intrusion of them into our lives.

> Zoe

> Ps. I'm very very sorry that my  delurkdom is on
> such an OOP subject, I
> promise, yet tonight I'll make some appropriate
> posting.

Actually, it's not really OOP. Variants of this
discussion have been held in the past, relating to
Lenten dishes, and the Medieval determination that
rabbit fetuses and whales were non-meat for Lenten
purposes, not to mention the variants provided by the
Buddhists, recently mentioned, as well as the laws
relating to the Arabic and Jewish prohibitions on
foods- all of which occured well within period, and
most of which involved far more acrimonious, not to
mention violent, differences of opinion than we have

I'm just grouching at current history in action ;-)


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