SC - Re: Skinny Cooks

Laura C. Minnick lcm at
Fri Feb 2 00:49:30 PST 2001

Okay- finally I am beginning to get caught up- James was up for a few
days and we had to move my van the hard way yesterday (OW.) but I am
beginning to feel like a human again...

Budgets? Let's see- at Tournament of the Lions both years I cratted we
budgeted $5 a head for the feast, and I believe we charged $7, double
for someone who waited till the day of the feast. And the food was
magnificent. This was '91, and '92- a while ago but not too different
for staples. When we did S'ei Piace e Lice, which was a feast of several
hours, the tickets were $10 and I think budget was $8. And we had alot
left over. For the wedding feast I am thinking in the range of $5-7 a
head, but a lot of that will depend on season and availability. And of
course we aren't planning to charge our friends to go to the reception-
so it will be out of pocket.

I need a job!


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