SC - OT: Web copyright -- can Earthlink use my material?

Christine A Seelye-King mermayde at
Sat Feb 3 19:02:18 PST 2001


I've been reading the threads about weight loss programs and diets.  Coming 
from one whose tried practically all of them, and nearly died twice because 
of them, I've learned that the key to losing weight is are simply well 
balanced meals, and a reduction of processed sugars and processed foods (you 
know what I mean, stuff that comes in a box like *shudder* meat or fish 
"helpers"), and being mindful of salt products.  (Even those Lean Cuisines 
are loaded with salt).

I'm not promoting this program or any program, but for me, the Weight 
Watchers "point system" program has worked wonders.  I've lost over 100 
pounds so far.  Granted, I still want to lose more, but I'm not deprived of 
eating anything, I've learned to control what I eat and how much; I can go 
out to any restaurant and even feasts! I feel healthy, have more energy and 
know I've made lifetime changes to keep the weight off.  Granted, it is a 
slower way of losing, but the quick weight loss programs only worked 
temporarily, and then I gained all the weight back plus then some!  This 
time, I've been keeping the weight off for 2 years now.

One of my "problems" now is getting my mind to register how much weight I've 
lost, especially when making garb.  At a recent event, Her Majesty Isabella, 
said to me, "Gwendolen, you made your garb too big again!"  I replied, "but 
it fit when I started making it!"  Mind you, I'm not complaining; if only 
all my problems were good ones like this!

Good luck to all of you who are striving to look and feel better.  Just 
remember, body size is not what makes you the person that you are.

On another note, I entered my first cooking piece for an A&S Exhibit.  
Thanks to Lady Brighid, I used one of her redacted recipes and benefited 
from her sage wisdom.  Vivat to her for being awarded the Golden Lyre! Her 
work is magnificant (Peer quality if I say so) and she deserves the 

Lady Gwendolen Lambert
Seneschal, Canton of Forestgate
East Kingdom
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