SC - Stefan's files for February

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Mon Feb 5 23:31:40 PST 2001


Here is a copy of my Florilegium article for February, describing
what is new in the Florilegium files this month.

As you can see, many of these new files are articles or bibliographies
submitted to me for publication. If you've written any articles that
might be of interest to others around the Known World, please think
about sending them to me to consider for inclusion in the Florilegium.
Since the writer keeps the copyright and I will accept updates, this
is a good way to get that work you've been doing out to others where
they can make use of it.

I will be creating a file of article ideas. If you have any ideas for 
articles that you would like to see, please send me a message.


- -----------
A Blending of the Past and Present       

Over the past eleven years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting 
bits of useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and 
articles submitted to me by their authors. In order to make this 
information available to others, I have placed this information in 
a series of files I call Stefan's Florilegium.

The Florilegium is on the web at:

Files that are new or have been updated are indicated by a special 
marker in the filelists at the website. In addition, the file 
- -updated-files is a listing of these files in chronological order.

A copy of my complete filelist is available in most sections of the 
website. This filelist or any of my files is also available from me 
by email in either Word or text formats.

If you find a bad link or other problem with the Florilegium website, 
please let me know. Once I know about a problem I can usually fix it
that day but if no one alerts me to a problem it may be months before
I notice it myself.

I am always interested in new articles. If you have written an article 
that would be of interest to others in the SCA, please send it to me 
for possible inclusion in the Florilegium. Contact me for more details.

    THLord Stefan li Rous   (512)892-0036    stefan at
    Ansteorra                             mark.s.harris at

The new files for this month are:
   Rapier-Armor-art  "A Few Practical Notes on the Construction 
                        of Rapier Armour" by Mistress Nicolaa de 
                        Bracton of Leicester, O.L.
   Teach-in-SCA-art  "On Teaching Classes in the SCA" by Lady 
                        Meliora Leuedai de Ardescote.
   T-H-Dreidel-art   "The Hannukah Dreidel" by Lady Meliora 
                        Leuedai de Ardescote.
under FOOD:
   14C-Kitchen-art   "The Fourteenth Century Kitchen - A Guided 
                       Tour" by Baroness Minowara Kiritsubo (Kiri)
   Blood-Soup-art    "Polish Black Soup - Czarnina" by Casamira 
                        Jawjalny, O.L.
   frogs-msg         Medieval and period frog recipes. Referamces
   healing-food-msg  Period foods proscribed to heal the sick.
   veal-msg          Period veal and veal recipes.
   custards-msg      Period custards, custard tarts and pies.
   cucumbers-msg     Medieval and period cucumbers. Recipes.
   How-to-Behave-art "How to Behave in these Current Middle Ages" 
                        by Lady Meliora Leuedai de Ardescote.
   Maimonides-msg    Moses Maimonides, Hebrew philosopher.
   Mask-Making-art   "Mask Making 101 - A History of Masks and 
                        Instructions..." by Lady Meliora Leuedai 
                        de Ardescote.
   Perfumes-bib      "Perfumes Bibliography" by Nora Siri Bock.
   Easy-Persona-art  "An Easy Way to Create a Persona in the SCA" 
                        by Lady Meliora Leuedai de Ardescote.
   Names-2-Latin-art "The Latinization of Names in the M. A." by 
                        Mistress Nicolaa de Bracton of Leicester.
   cld-weath-cmp-msg Cold weather camping at SCA events.
   Sheetwalls-art    "On the Creating of Sheet Walls" by Lady 
                        Meliora Leuedai de Ardescote.
   trash-storage-msg Useful ideas on storing trash in camp.
   reservations-msg  Handling feast and event reservations.

Since there are so many new files this month, I have not listed any of
the files which have simply been updated. A list of the files that have
recently been updated can be found in the -updated-files file.
- ---
Copyright 2001, Mark S. Harris.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if
the contents are left unchanged and the author is notified of the
publication. Notification may be by email and reformating is allowed.

- -- 
THLord  Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas         stefan at
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: ****

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