SC - RE: sca-cooks V1 #2975 first public translation

grasse grasse at
Wed Feb 14 08:52:17 PST 2001

Greetings Kateryn

A very nice first effort.  
If I may try to help on a couple of things.  Fo:erdertheil is one of those 
nice combined words meaning literally  Fo:erder or vorder being Front and 
theil or teil being Part.  so they want the front end (not the haunches) of 
the rabit.

The other obvious error I see is the translation of Schweisz.. yes, in modern 
German it is sweat, but in 16th century German it referred to blood, so you 
are cooking the apples, onions and some bread in blood, then straining the 
Later in the recipe you are sweating the onions in pork fat, then putting them 
in with the blood to simmer - your only clue will be that the noun Schweisz is 
capitalized and the verb schweisz (to sweat) is not.

Driet I think is small crubmly bits of un identified stuff (Thomas, please 
remind me)... I used coarse crystal sugar when I had a dish served sprinkled 
with Driet.

So if you revise your recipe that the cooking liquid is the blood of the bunny 
rather than a broth won from onions you are on the right track.  I have been 
working on Rumpolts cook book for a while, feel free to take a peek and let me 
know what you think.

Ich Gratuliere

Gwen Catrin von Berlin

>Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 13:13:24 -0600
>From: "Debra Hense" <DHense at>
>Subject: SC - my first public attempt at translation
>>From Vom Hasen Wildpret seind zwentzigerley Speiß vnd Trachten zu machen. as 
supplied on Dr. Thomas Gloning's site:
>Gantz Fo:erdertheil schwartz eyngemacht mit Zwibeln.
>Nimm das Fo:erdertheil/
>schneidts zu stu:ecken/
>nimn Wasser vnnd Essig/
>wasch auß dem Schweiß/
>seig jhn widerumb darauff/
>schneidt Zwibeln vnd Epffel darein/
>vnnd ein wenig Brot/
>laß miteinander sieden/
>zeuch es auß/
>vnd streich den Schweiß durch ein Ha:erin Tuch/
>daß er zimlich dick wirdt/
>schweiß Zwibeln in Schweinenschmaltz/
>mach sie ab mit Pfeffer vnd Neglein/
>thu sie in den Schweiß/

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