SC - Stuffed asparagus (non-member submission)

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at
Fri Feb 16 14:30:03 PST 2001

    I do a roasted asparagus & proscuitto that's pretty good. Take 2 or 3
spears, wrap them together with a thin slice of proscuitto per portion, and
lay them in an oiled pan. Sprinkle with a little olive oil, a little lemon
juice, and throw them in a fast oven for about 5 - 7 minutes, pull them out
and lay a piece of fontinella in top, then return to the oven for another
3 - 5 minutes to melt & brown the cheese.
    Fast, simple, and your servers are likely to get mugged going out the
door with a pan of these!


- ----- Original Message -----

> >Greetings Everyone,
> >(Olwen thank you for forwarding)
> >For my stuffed asparagus I used the Andalusian recipe redacted by
> >found in his "Miscellany".  I noticed in the translation it said to [add
> >the hot liquid] "...the asparagus wrapped in meat"  I took this to mean
> >that
> >the meat went on the outside of the asparagus.  I left the ends of the
> >asparagus exposed.  After I cooked the asparagus wrapped in the meat [I
> >followed all the directions as listed up to this point]  I placed them in
> >an
> >oven safe pan, added the eggs [beaten], sprinkled with bread crumbs [much
> >less than the 1 cup suggested] and baked until the eggs were set.  It was
> >unique and tasty dish (and the first time I actually ate asparagus)
> >Enjoy,
> >Juliana

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