SC - Lenten fasting...was: List newbie/Seasonal food.

Cheriti Watts cassea at
Wed Feb 28 20:47:25 PST 2001

If you can find those docs or know where I could head for that information,
it would be vastly helpful.  High on my list of questions is What days would
be exempt from Lenten fasting rules, or would have relaxed rules/exceptions.
If your Saint's feast day falls within Lent, what happens?  (I was one of
the many heathens attending a small Catholic college and was very intrigued
when the monks would have some elaborate meal because it was Saint so and
so's feast day.)

- -Cassea

>    Another reason overlooked,  is Lent is the season for Pentinence (sp?)
>to survey our sins & make amends  -- so a joyful event such as a "feast"
>not within the nature of these next forty days before Easter.   Tho,  my
>docs for this has been misplaced :(    On observed feast days, such as
>Sundays, ,  the congregation was to be celebrating,  and keeping the lenten
>fast was just as much a sin as not fasting on the appropriate days.
>    From what I remember
>    Caointiarn

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