Skinny Cooks (was Re: Re: SC - Re: coronation menu (long))

Ted Eisenstein alban at
Sat Feb 3 16:39:26 PST 2001

>> What i miss on that sort of
>> diet is fresh fruit.
>Erp - splutter!  I find it very distressing to think of anyone on a diet
>plan which doesn't include lots and lots of fresh fruit and vegies.  These
>contain so many things which are needful for health.  They have very little
>fat and few calories and at the same time are filling.  
A few fruits also contain a whopping amount of fruit sugars (fructose) -
which is a carbohydrate, and is therefore not good if you're following
the Atkins diet carefully. (Very ripe bananas, say.)
Other fruits are sort of okay - grapefruit (low in fructose, high in fiber);
but many fruits are Not Good while doing the Atkins. Vegetables, however,
are usually okay, so one can get a good dose of vitamins that way (spinach,
chard, brussels sprouts, lettuce. . . ); with some exceptions (carrots, which
are high in sugar-stuff).


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