SC - alcohol revisited

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at
Tue Feb 6 21:17:49 PST 2001

- --- Jenne Heise <jenne at> wrote:
> Whereas I suspect that there are a lot more errors
> than we would suspect
> on the COOKS' parts; some of which can be very
> problematic. 
> In addition to people not being told about a
> particular ingredient in the
> feast, there is always poor food handling,
> inadequate cooking, etc. etc.
> However much we assume that no-one on this list
> would do such things, we
> all know of or even have been at events where this
> happened.

Wow!  With so many allergic people on this list, and
now such talk of inadequate cooking and poor food
handling, it's a wonder to me that anyone actually
GOES to these feasts!  Does everyone bring their own
take-out, and just use the feast hall as a warm place
to wait until the bus gets there??  Sheesh!

Balthazar of Blackmoor
(who is now quite proud to be neither paranoid, nor allergic..)

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