SC - Need Help with Swet Potato Recipes

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Wed Feb 21 15:01:28 PST 2001

The sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, was introduced into Spain in 1492 and
again in 1526.  Sweet potatoes are believed to have spread fairly rapidly
and were probably introduced to England by 1550 (some sources attribute the
introduction by John Hawkins in 1563 or 1564).  Since Elizabeth's reign
begins in 1558 and ends in 1603, the Elizabethan sweet potato may well be
Ipomoea rather than Dioscorea.

IIRC, there is reference to a commercial market in sweet potatoes
established early in the 17th Century.

Shakespeare's reference to the potato are fairly late in Elizabeth's reign,
so I would suspect the sweet potato was well established by then.


> The sweet potatoes mentioned in Elizabethan sources,
> IIRC are actually yams, which were from Africa and not
> of New World origin.  
> Huette

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