SC - peaches

TG gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Sun Feb 4 18:33:16 PST 2001

>From "The good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin" (ca. 1594):

"To bake Peaches.
Take Peaches, pare them, and cut them in two peeces, +
take out the stones as cleane as you can for breaching of
the Peach: then make your pie three square to bake fowre
in a pie, let your paste be verie fine, then make your
dredge with fine Sugar, Synamon and Ginger: and first lay
a little dredge in the bottome of your pies: Then put in
Peaches, and fill up your coffins with your Dredge, and
put into every coffin three spoonfuls of Rosewater. Let
not your Oven be too hot. +c."

There are German recipes, too: Philippine Welser's (ca. 1545) recipe for
a peach tart [*] or a recipe for peach salad in the Fürtrefflichs
Kochbuoch 1559/60.

In addition, there are several medical and dietetical remarks about how
and when peaches should be eaten.

Castelvetro, looking back to 16th century Italy, says peach is a
"delicatissimo frutto, e ordinariamente crudo si mangia", but he
mentions other preparations, too.

* "pfirsych dordten zu machenn
so nim die pfirsych vnnd schel sy dau dan die keren
her auser vnd mach zway dayl aus ainer kitten
vnd las syeden daus dan jn die phrsych vnd nim
zucker zimet vnnd ain frischen buder daus dar
ein vnnd las ain fyerdel stundt bachen nim
dan syesen wein vnd butter dus jn ain pfendlin
vnnd laß an ain ander syeden vnd nim die
brye vnnd geus auff den dorttenn"
(Phil. Welser, ed. Hayer 69)

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