SC - Presents

Michael F. Gunter michael.gunter at
Tue Jan 2 07:09:03 PST 2001

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I was lucky too.  My friends all know I use only the blue (or green)
enameled castiron ware from Holland.  I have no idea what the brand name
there is one) is.  I got hooked on it back in the 70's when I got my
piece - a huge dutch oven.  Well, one friend got me a 2 quart saucepan
a lid and another friend found a small skillet.  I also got a set of
finish pie pans with crust rings and a small set of leaf shape cutters
included.  The butcher came by and gave me a haunch of goat and a bag of

pearl onions.  The man at the Middle Eastern market gave me a jar of
Lingonberry jam and an extra set of perogie presses (thanks to all you),
totally out of the cooking arena, a friend in NM made me a BEAUTIFUL set
one dozen regular arrows and a half dozen flu-flu combat arrows in my
coat-of-arms colours.

For Christmas dinner, I went to a friends and made supper which I
brought as
part of the gift.  Crown rib roast garnished with whole baked garlic
'flowers', sauce bob, assorted mushrooms and carrot 'toothpicks' sauted
sauce, baked brie, steamed whole greenbeans with sesame seeds, saurkraut

cooked with white potato, apple and lemon wedges (the lemons are my
daughters touch - very good!) and fresh-baked bread.  Morningstar made a

chocolate/peanutbutter cheesecake.  Yum.  Can't wait for household 12th
night this Sat.  I'll keep ya posted on that meal.


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