SC - OT-Stockings

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Tue Jan 16 20:59:48 PST 2001

Richard Kappler wrote:
> T'would seem my
> not-yet-officially-at-the-time-but-is-now Master sent me off to fetch his
> laurel wreath during one of the courts.

It should be noted that when asked if there was anything else I needed,
I said something like, "Oh, I suppose I need my wreath, especially since
I haven't had a chance to change out of my work clothes... But you know,
forget it, it's not important." "No, you should have it, I'll be g;lad
to get it if you want it..." "Nah, not necessary..."

After a few rounds of this give-and-take, off goes Puck to find my
stashed belongings. Marion asks me if she didn't just hear Puck's name
called. I hadn't heard it.

>  When I returned, wreath in box in
> hand, I was met by what is known around these here parts with "THE LOOK."
> "Where the hell have you been?" says she.
> "Off flirting with a few delightful young wenches and fetching my Masters
> laurel wreath," says I to the center of my universe.
> "You Bas(&*!  They called you up in court!" says she.
> "Uh hunh" I replied ever so alliterively.
> "Oh Master Adamantius!" I cried, "did they just call me up into court?"
> "Why, no, not that I noticed." he muttered Pooh bear like.

True, that's more or less what I did. Nary a mention of a Wulfrith did
the herald make.  In my defense, it should be said that they called up
about a dozen people at once, for a sort of drive-by, shotgun AoA, and
Puck still hasn't, at this point, told me that he has changed his
persona and name again. It's like knowing a sorceror's real name or
something. Either that or there've been months of elaborate pretending
to find and research a persona when he just wanted to remain Puck all
along. Now, I have a long history of hitting pucks with sticks, but I
thought I was beyond that at this point. 

> The biggest laugh of all was after they legitimized me and ruined all my
> well laid out plans, I heard chuckles from herself...
> "I've got pictures of you kneeling in front of a Marine, Chief!"

I can't decide whether Puck's second meeting with HRM Andreas, including
his court appearance, having included mentioning this pleasantry to His
Majesty bodes well or ill. We'll see...

Best wishes... congratulations... all blessings upon you... now shaddapp.

- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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