SC - Congratulations

Richard Kappler rkappler at
Wed Jan 17 09:51:08 PST 2001

And so it came to pass that Master Adamantius quoth:

> It should be noted that when asked if there was anything else I needed,
> I said something like, "Oh, I suppose I need my wreath, especially since
> I haven't had a chance to change out of my work clothes... But you know,
> forget it, it's not important." "No, you should have it, I'll be g;lad
> to get it if you want it..." "Nah, not necessary..."

Funny how the story sounds when told by a big bad Laurel as opposed to a
poor, lowly, much maligned apprentice.  No mention of whips or castigation
what-so-ever.  Hmmmmm.....

> True, that's more or less what I did. Nary a mention of a Wulfrith did
> the herald make.  In my defense, it should be said that they called up
> about a dozen people at once, for a sort of drive-by, shotgun AoA, and
> Puck still hasn't, at this point, told me that he has changed his
> persona and name again. It's like knowing a sorceror's real name or
> something. Either that or there've been months of elaborate pretending
> to find and research a persona when he just wanted to remain Puck all
> along. Now, I have a long history of hitting pucks with sticks, but I
> thought I was beyond that at this point.

Well, when 'they' told me I couldn't be Puck, I set out on a search for a
suitable alternative.  I chose Wulfrith Meisegaffer for a time as it rang of
things I like to do best.  Then 'they' decided that such a name would not be
appropriate for a family oriented Society, so I decided to put a little more
effort into figuring out how to document Puck.  Lo and behold, Robert
Godefelaugh was and is fully documentable and grudgingly made it past even
the most anti-Puck 'theys' round these here parts.  Is it MY fault my Master
couldn't remember that I told him this on the very morning in question?
<sigh> Probably so....

As far as hitting pucks with sticks, Lady Marion seems to think I'd be out
of line if I said something along the lines of 'bring it on Byzantine boy',
so I won't, I'll just hum merrily and get back to my studies now.

sauntering casually towards the rock, Puck

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