SC - Rose Water - now orange blossom water

Jessica Tiffin jessica at
Fri Jan 19 00:19:05 PST 2001

>One possibility for a period breakfast is leftovers from dinner the
>night before.

Do plan to work with the leftovers.  In my experience, people will eat 
leftover roast meat at an event breakfast, though they might not at home.  
Warm it up, slice it and set it out on a platter.  Leftover breads and 
cooked fruits or desserts will also be eaten.

Others responded that you could try getting whole oat groats (not rolled, 
not steel cut) and grind them yourself in order to have a period oatmeal.  
Unground oat groats, depending on how long and how much water you add over 
the amount needed to actually cook them, can have a texture can ranging from 
fluffy pilaf through soupy gruel to pasty porrige.  I like the pilaf stage 
myself, my husband prefers the farther end of the spectrum, and starts 
talking like his mum when he's eating it.  So, you don't necessarily have to 
grind them, just add more water and cook longer.

(IMO, if you are going for the pasty porridge stage, you might as well use 
the cheapest rolled oats, once it's porridge, no one can tell what you 
started with anyway. )

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