SC - Honey (& other) butters

micaylah dy018 at
Fri Jan 26 11:03:56 PST 2001

Funny note...  I went to Scotland last Spring to visit a friend and wanted 
to try haggis.  She went through the whole routine about having it with 
"neeps and tatties", so I asked her what neeps were.  She couldn't quite 
explain, except they sort of looked like turnips, but weren't.  So, off we 
went to the store and in the veggie section she looks about a bit and goes 
"Aha!"  I giggled and she said "What?"  I said, "That's a Rutabaga."  Turns 
out Swedes or neeps are what I know as a Rutabaga.
p.s. Haggis is wonderful, wish we could get McSween's here. <sigh>

At 04:40 PM 1/26/2001 +0000, you wrote:

>  psuedo-Neeps - mashed Swede,
>Neeps are swede not turnip. the english call turnips neeps but here in 
>we meen swede.

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