SC - Newcomer

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Tue Jan 30 06:55:08 PST 2001

Phaseolus is the Latin term used to taxonomically define the genus for the
New World beans.  Vigna is the genus of the black-eyed pea.  This usage
begins to appear in the 16th Century and is fixed in Linnean taxonomy in the
18th Century.

Modern Italian lumps the genera Vigna and Phaseolus into the fagiola (or
fasioli, if you prefer).  The term predates Columbus and appears to be
derived from the Latin phaseolus, which was used to describe another type of
bean other than the fava.  Because of liguistic tie between the genus Vigna,
fagiola, and phaseolus, it is believed that the black-eyed pea is the
phaseolus of Antiquity.

This is one of those cases where you need to be aware of the differences
between language and taxonomy.


> Okay, I'm confused. Some people have said that all Phaseolus are
> New World, yet others have said there was an Old World legume
> from which the blackeyed pea is descended. Which is it?
> Irmele

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