SC - My Goose, not yet cooked...

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at
Mon Jan 29 18:34:37 PST 2001

- --- lilinah at wrote:

> Now i'm toying with the idea of cooking goose along
> with the roast 
> pork. Is this a reasonable idea for 80-90 people?
> Roughly, how many 
> people does a modern goose feed?

Well, it really depends upon how much you are charging
for admission/tickets.  If the price of your goose is
included in the ticket price, then yes, it is very
affordable.  However, if you are working with a fixed
budget, then you have to consider the options.

The last time I priced goose, it was $23 U.S. for a 10
pound bird, or $2.30 per pound.  Pretty steep in my
neck of the woods, but still cheaper than chicken
(although I'll save my outrage at the skyrocketing
price of chicken for another time).  After cooking and
carving, I had roughly 8 1/4 pounds of meat, which fed
8 guests rather nicely.  If you will also be serving
pork roast, you can cut your portions down, and
probably stretch the same amount of meat to feed 10 to
12 people.  maybe...

Balthazar of Blackmoor

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