SC - soteltie information [toon humor]

Olwen the Odd olwentheodd at
Wed Jan 10 11:12:01 PST 2001

WAY too much time on your hands...but it did remind me of a subtletie we did 
once for the Baron Temur.  The wonderful, albeit toothless, Baron was served 
a tougher piece of meat several years back at Garb Wars.  He exclaimed it 
was "tough as shoe leather".  The next year at that event he was presented 
with the cook's own shoe in sauce and garnished!  It is seldom we see him 
Olwen who enjoyed your tale

>Presented for your amusement, an off-the-cuff Animaniacs episode:
>"Middle Aged:  The Animaniacs' Medieval Banquet"
>Wakko, Yakko and Dot enter the hall where King Ralph and Queen Hello Nurse 
>the hall over Sir Scratchensniff, etc. are assembled, all with napkins 
>under their chins and holding knives and spoons.  Only Scratchensniff has a
>fork, and that two-tined.
>Dot:  Welcome ye lords and ladies to my feast!  I hight Contessa Dorothea
>Angelina Banana Bana Bo Bana The Third.  {aside to camera}  I was queen 
>time, what a bore!
>The Kids present a vast dish of food, chickens, a whole pig, loaves of 
>etc. etc. and a cake with a knight on horseback.
>Scratchensniff:  Ahh, a subtletie!
>Wakko:  Subtlety, there's nothing subtle about it?
>Scratchensniff:  No, no, not subtle, a subtletie, dat Knight on Horsyback 
>on der
>Knight:  Who're you calling subtlety, mac?  {Horse rears up and they ride 
>King Ralph tears off a chicken leg and takes a bite.
>King Ralph:  Mmmmm Tasty!
>Yakko:  Oh, THAT's the subtletie.
>Dot:  Yea verily, 'tis made out of Wakko's old socks!
>Wakko wiggles bare feet in Ralph's face while Ralph spits out mouthful 

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