SC - soteltie information [toon humor]

Philip & Susan Troy troy at
Wed Jan 10 09:28:49 PST 2001

Susan Fox-Davis wrote:
> > loosely derived from Bimbo, Betty Boop's original leading man,

> I tend to attribute their somatype to similar characters under the Warner
> banner, Bosco and Honey rather than the Fleishmans' Bimbo.  Both of them [as
> well as Disney's most famous mice] are derived from the pseudo-Africanoid
> "minstral show" make-up used during the Vaudeville era.

Quite possibly, but I understood Fleisher's Bimbo to predate Bosco.
(Those of you who are wondering what the blazes this has to do with
medieval food should just pretend we're talking endlessly about obscure
manuscripts and Ur-texts.) In short, I think Bosco and Honey may belong
to Bimbo's (and the original Betty's) somatype.    

  Has anyone else ever
> noticed that Mickey Mouse is black?

It never occurred to me, but you might make a case for it, especially
given the big shoes, kid gloves, etc., even though I'm sure people like
Michael Eisner would deny today's Mickey having any particular ethnic background.
> Presented for your amusement, an off-the-cuff Animaniacs episode:
> "Middle Aged:  The Animaniacs' Medieval Banquet"

Good Heavens. And I thought Pinky's rousing marching song about the
Cheeses from Around the Woy-ild, featuring singing, dancing chunks of
Mainauer, Wensleydale, and Sapsago, was interesting. 

- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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