SC - almond milk source - Almond Breeze

Steven Weidner bigsteve at
Tue Jan 16 10:36:45 PST 2001

>Blue Diamond Growers has released an Almond Milk product called Almond
>The target market seems to be those who are lactose and/or soy intolerant.
>Has anyone tried this yet?

Yes, but I suppose I'll be a bit handicapped in my assessment in that it's
the only almond milk I've ever tried.

I've tried the vanilla and plain varieties on my cereal, and I found them
both to be quite pleasant.  They're also a bit more drinkable than the rice
beverages (other than sake) and most soy milks I've tried.  As for
"correctness", I have no idea, but they do tend to be a little sweet.
Certainly not as much as a soft drink, but it's noticeable if you stop for
the slightest moment to detect it.

I also don't think I'd order it by the case from these folks, as they only
sell it in 8 oz containers, and that would be a bit of packaging going to
waste, given how quickly I went through it.

Hope this helps!

Steinn Karlsson

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