digby's fruitcake was Re: SC - Cheesecake judging Laurels/Competitions

Susan Fox-Davis selene at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 15 10:01:13 PST 2001

Gentle Damascena:

OOP = Out Of Period.  Discussion of avocado recipes is OOP.  Not precisely OT,
that is to say Off Topic, since it is about cooking at least, just not within
the SCA time/space guidelines.

How many entries were in this competition?  Were the judges nasty poo-headed
fruitcake-haters, or just burnt-out of tasting anything at that point?  I know
how to get fruitcake-hating fighters to try it, just soak it in brandy or rum
and bring it to a "dry" event.  Deceptive on many levels, and I don't recommend
it to everyone, but effective.

In another part of the thread:  I admit to being a cooking-related peer, albeit
a Pelican [with grant-level arts award for cookery, see me next year <GGG>],
will cook for food, anywhere, anytime.  I cooked Rosettes at a tourney out in a
city park last Saturday, and told curious local onlookers that they were
Medieval Churros.  It seemed to work as a referent familiar to the most modern

I still have trouble with competitions, and long ago gave up entering them in
favor of just doing my thing and sharing it with others, whether making
wearables and having my friends wear them around, or just making cookies and
handing them out to all and sundry.  If you think that entering a contest is
tough, try judging sometime.  That is harder, trust me.  Every one of those
people gave all of their talent and toil and you have to choose one over the
others?  I'm the tender-hearted tenderer of "honorable mentions" it would seem.


Sunraven wrote:

> Oh ... I have this special relationship with fruit cake (sigh.)  Can't
> say I've ever met one I wouldn't eat quite happily.  So the Digby one
> has got to be incredible!
> And an OT question, if I might ... what does the prefix OOP mean at the
> beginning of the subject line of a message?  That's an acronym I haven't
> seen, yet. (smile.)
> Gently,
> Damascena, who had a huge hunk of a friend's mom's fruit cake this
> weekend. Ah, contentment!

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