[Sca-cooks] Kitchens

Ted Eisenstein Alban at socket.net
Mon Jul 23 11:05:17 PDT 2001

>> Yeah, but if I were going to consult with an architect on this question,
>> I'd really like to have most of the specifics already nailed down. ("You
>> want _how many_ stoves? And two of them must be woodburning?
>> And be capable of holding _that_ many cooks?")
>How many cooks does one normally fit into any given stove? I thought the
>norm was two small children or one rather skinny witch per oven, but that
>standard was established by the Brothers Grimm.

<grin> Damn, I'll have to start proofreading even more carefully. . . I
wasn't thinking so much of how many cooks _in_ the stove, so much as
how many will be circled around them. Pots will need stirring, roasts
will need checking, fires stoked, well, you know the routine. I would hate
to think that the kitchen would be so badly designed that only one cook
could fit in the stove area.
And since it often takes two people to remove a large pan of very hot stuff,
and someone's usually right there needing to stir something, well, space

(Hmmm. I have _got_ to check those books on the Plan of St. Gall again;
wonderful kitchen, if I remember, including a complete list of what's needed
in the Proper Monastic Kitchen, down to how many pots, spoons, and
towels. .. )


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