SC - And speaking of happy dances...

Prydwen gryphon at
Sun Mar 11 09:12:27 PST 2001

Stefan li Rous wrote:
> I thought Lady Devra already had an AoA. I suspect that so did many
> other folks and she got caught in a not-uncommon situation.

That's certainly what I thought, and it's also possible that some people
had some idea that when you do something for a living, the SCA should
not recognize you for it. Never mind the fact that the lady in question
is a librarian and not a book merchant by trade; why should
unrerasonable prejudices have any basis in reality, after all? However,
the attitude did once exist, I would say, and under most circumstances
I'm glad to see it go the way of all flesh.

- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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