SC - pomegarnate juice

Tara Sersen tsersen at
Tue Mar 27 10:53:33 PST 2001

Maire wrote:
>Hi, Phillipa.  I can actually get pomegranate juice at my local health
>food store--it's produced by R.W. Knudsen (they make lots of juices).

I have a bottle of this. Very tasty, i like tart juices.

>If your local store doesn't pan out, you could try using grenadine
>syrup; although it's really sweet, it is based on pomegranates, and you
>could always add lemon juice or something to "tart" it up.

Hmmm, most of the grenadine syrups i've seen these days are 
artificially flavored and colored. Originally grenadine was indeed 
pomegranate syrup, but, well... So read the label carefully.

>Or if you
>were more going for the color and the tartness, what about cranberry

That's a good suggestion. I agree that cranberry juice would be a 
good substitute.

Anahita amina al-maktabah

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