SC - pickled fish with sour cream DeeWolff at
Thu Mar 29 10:00:49 PST 2001

>whole-pig-msg     (25K)  9/29/00    Info. on roasting a whole pig. 
>   (I keep thinking of the whole pigs cooks as whole pigs as being larger,
>but some of the ideas in this file might be useful, even with a compact
>version of piggy)
>In the FEASTS section:
>Whole-Pig-Fst-art (36K)  9/22/98    Feast menu and recipes incl. a
>roasted pig.
>If someone has done this or is going to do this, please take some
>pictures. I'd love to add them to the Florilegium. As I'm unlikely to
>ever be sitting at the headtable when this is done, this is probably
>the only way I'll ever see such a thing. (My eyesight is too poor to
>be able to see such an item if it just parades through the hall I am
>in. :-( )
>THLord  Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
I know that somewhere we have a video of that pig I wrote about yesterday.  
I shall poke around and see if I can come up with it.  When I do, I shall 
endevor to get a picture of it and post it.  I can guarantee it won't be 
really soon though.
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