SC - Bidding for Feast

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at
Mon Mar 26 21:47:13 PST 2001

    That's sort of the pork Filet Mignon, right? Which, IMHO, is one of the
most tasteless cuts of meat there is - suitable for the toothless and
victims of Myasthenia Gravis only (not to mention the ostentatiously
tastelessly wealthy). 24 hours in a decent marinade will help, but unless
you make medallions of it (preferably in a Chasseur sauce), it's a royal
pain to prepare. (had a dozen of them on the grill the other night, and I
almost dozed off waiting for the ones ordered 'medium well' to get done.
T'was blasphemy, anyway) Anything you have to wrap in bacon to keep from
turning into a briquette isn't worth it . . . Give me a Porterhouse any day
of the week . . . please!
    Pork loin, OTOH, is a right tasty cut o' hog, and can be used to feed
multitudes at a relatively low cost. It responds very well to seasoning and
slow cooking. If prepared and cut properly, it can be as tender as the
tenderloin, and a whole lot better tasting! I've also gotten some pretty
good deals on boned butt (awright, get yer minds outta the gutter, there...)
which you can also use in lots of different ways. But with a loin being as
large as it is, your options are many, especially if you're doing family
serving (that's a hunk o' meat per table as opposed to doing the individual
portion thing). Make their eyes bug out when you send a 5 lb portion to a
table of 8! Catch it on sale, and that's quite doable.


- ----- Original Message -----
> Okay... once again I have to stress that what you are
> thinking of may well be a Pork "Loin", NOT the
> tenderloin!!!  I have this teeth-aching visual of a
> poor SCA cook opening up her tiny package of
> tenderloin, when what she really meant to tell the
> butcher was "I wan't X pounds of Pork Loin..."  The
> difference is HUGE HUGE HUGE!  Please don't ask the
> butcher to give you pork tenderloin, unless that is
> really what you want (which it sounds like it ain't).
> Balthazar of Blackmoor
> (who was sure some of the others on this list would
> have caught this by now...)

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