SC - Portuguese Cookbook

gloning at gloning at
Mon Mar 5 14:58:03 PST 2001

There are other editions of this Portuguese cookbook, e.g. the Elizabeth
Thompson Newman dissertation 1964. But more important seems to be the
Manuppella edition from 1967/1987:

- -- Livro de Cozinha da Infanta D. Maria. Códice Português I.E. 33. da
Biblioteca Nacional de Nápoles. Prólogo, Leitura, Notas aos textos,
Glosssário e Índices de Giacinto Manuppella. Lisbon: Imprensa
Nacional-Casa da Moeda 1987. [it seems that the text was first published
in 1967 with a copious introduction by Salvador Dias Arnaut; the 1987
edition lacks this introduction, but it was published separately under
the title "A arte de comer em Portugal na Idade Média", Lisbon 1986]

The Manuppella edition has a diplomatic text and a modernized version
that is more easily legible. In addition, there is a copious index of
words, that might be helpful for the more troublesome passages.
Manuppella seems not to be content with the achievments of his
predecessors (Gomes Filho: "na~o impecavel" something like 'not without
faults'; Elizabeth Newman: "nem mais feliz" 'not more successful (than
Gomes Filho)').

There is an English translation by Jane L. Crowley based on the modern
Portuguese translation of Gomez Filho, which, for copyright reasons, I
believe, never made it to the web.

Here is recipe Nr. IV from the Manuppella edition to give you an idea of
the original
(x~ = the ~ is above the x;
a~o, o~e = the ~ is above both the a and the o, the o and the e):

[M10] Pasteis de carne

r~ tomara~o carneiro ou lombo de vaca
ou de porquo ffresquo e toucinho
velho porque po~e sabor e pica-
loa~o co~ cheiros e huu~a colher
de mamteygua e crauo e acafra~o
e pimemta e gemgibre e
coemtro sequo e cumo de limo~es
ou dagraco tudo yumto muyto
be~ affoguado e~ huu~a panella
ou tejalla de ffoguo e des q~ ffor
mujto be~ afogado poloa~o a e~fryar/
E depois de mujto be~ ffryo
deitaloa~o e~ os pasteis q~ ja estara~
feitos/ e~ta~o leualosa~o ao fforno
e depois q~ ffore~ tirados do forno
deitarlheis caldo amarello de~tro
nos pasteis e deitarlha~o// E a masa
dos pasteis sera dura e os
pasteis altos/ E desta propia te~para
se ffaze~ os da galynha
e ta~be~ se ffaze~ pasteis de panela
desta tempara/ saluo que ha
galynha hade ser ffeita e~ pesas e cada
pesa sobre sy e pera esteis pasteis
sere~ muyto mais saborosos deitara~o
[M12] na masa a carne crua .//.

Best, Thomas

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