SC - poison in peach pits

Philip & Susan Troy troy at
Wed Mar 28 14:18:28 PST 2001

James Prescott wrote:
> > Are you sure? I seem to remember that it was a homemade wine they were
> > serving that was laced with arsenic.

I seem to recall there were either a series or a mixture of poisons,
including strychnine (as in, "my pulse will be quickenin' with each drop
of strych-a-nin' we feeeed to a pigeon...") (sorry, we discovered my kid
singing that yesterday)

> > "Another yellow fever victim, Uncle!"
> Something pretty close to:
>   "Won't you have another glass of elderberry wine?"
> Been there, done that, said the line, long time ago.
> Thorvald

Okay. Now you've done it. You've forced me to ask...  How many of us
have portrayed poisoners/cooks on stage?

Adamantius, who once played Felix Unger and Oscar Madison on successive nights
- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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