[Sca-cooks] sugar and regia anglorum

david friedman ddfr at best.com
Tue May 8 12:56:36 PDT 2001

>  > > In just the last week or two, I was asking if anyone had any info on
>>  > how horseradish was used in period. So far, all I think I've got is
>>  > as a sauce. What can you tell me about how horseradish was used in
>>  > Anglo-Ssaxon England (or elsewhere)?
>Something about the herbal texts I've looked at suggests to me that
>horseradish, as a
>medicament and condiment, may have come out of Eastern Europe and
>taken quite some time
>to make it to the hinterlands of Britain.

Ann Hagen, in _A Second Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Food and Drink_,
includes horseradish in a list of herbs listed in _de Villis_ and/or
the St. Gall plan. She seems to be implying that they are among the
herbs most often cited in leechdoms, but the passage isn't entirely
clear. She first says that the herbs most often cited in leechdoms
are also those referred to in other sources, then gives a list of
herbs from those two sources, including horseradish.
David Friedman
Professor of Law
Santa Clara University
ddfr at best.com

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