RE [Sca-cooks] courgette crumble

A. F. Murphy afmmurphy at
Thu Nov 29 07:28:42 PST 2001

That sounds good, I'll have to try it! Is there any moisture in it? Most
recipes I've seen for courgette/zucchini/summer squash steam it a little.
And many for baked vegetables cook them lightly before assembling. Now, I'm
all for barely tender vegetables - I hated zucchini as a child until I
learned to only cook them for 5 minutes, not the 20 my mom did (and she'd
cut down from the 45 her mother cooked them, and was quite proud of
herself) but I do find a bit of moisture helps.


> [Original Message]
> From: Christina Nevin <cnevin at>
> Baked courgette crumble  - not a souffle. As aforementioned, the bcc was
> basically sliced courgette in a baking dish with breadcrumbs and butter
> herbs and spices on top. No particular recipe.
> Lucrezia

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