[Sca-cooks] TURKEY GRAVY

Tara Sersen Boroson tsersen at nni.com
Thu Nov 15 09:06:16 PST 2001

I don't know - do they check the nose?  I know they check the lungs and
stomach, but I don't think they count all external flaws.  Otherwise,
everytime a lamb got stuck in some brambles, it would become treif.  Of
course, the nose is part of the respiratory system...  But, then, it's
never been proven that Rudolph's nose was in fact inflamed, as opposed
to simply odd coloration.  Do birthmarks disqualify an animal?  Is that
a mere birthmark or a disfiguration?

Inquiring minds want to know...

By the way, one of my neighbors raises reindeer.  First time I've ever
met one face to face.  I always thought "tiny reindeer" referred to a
particular property of Santa's special reindeer, but apparently it's
reindeer in general.  Cute suckers.  But mean.  He got them as a
birthday gift from his wife, and he's raising them for fun;  But, if he
ever gets sick of them, I'm going to try to get my hands on one.
Reindeer steak for Christmas dinner, anybody?


>><holds hands to heart in horror>
>>Phillipa  ;-)
> Reindeer *is* kosher, if properly slaughtered, etc.  Though that inflamed nose may be a flaw that would render Rudolf treif.  Better stick to Prancer or Blitzen.  :-)
> Brighid

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