[Sca-cooks] suspenders

Ted Eisenstein Alban at socket.net
Mon Nov 19 21:25:32 PST 2001

>Main Entry: sus·pend·er
>Pronunciation: s&-'spen-d&r
>Function: noun
>Date: 1524
>1 : one that suspends
>2 : a device by which something may be suspended: as a : one of two
>supporting bands worn across the shoulders to support trousers, skirt, or
>belt ‹ usually used in plural and often with pair b : British : a fastener
>attached to a garment or garter to hold up a stocking or sock; also : a
>device consisting of garter and fastener
>- sus·pend·ered /-d&rd/ adjective
>Would this do.

I doubt it; the suspenders-for-pants is an American (and therefore
post-period) thing. The British suspenders are, indeed, stocking
garters. . . and damned if I can remember the joke about an
American using the term and being misunderstood by some
British folk.



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