[Sca-cooks] Thanksgiving feasts

Kirrily Robert skud at infotrope.net
Tue Nov 27 19:51:11 PST 2001

Finnebhir wrote:

>> Now, the one gelled exception is aspic, but that does really follow the
>> rule. It isn't about gelatin, it's about sweetness. Aspic is tart. A salad
>> is tart and vinegary and sets off the meal. Right? *G*
>Actually there are two kinds of salads, according to quite a few culinary
>dictionarys. there are simple salads and compound salads. A simple salad
>would be the basic mixed greens and a compound salad f(or example) would be
>something like Waldorf or carrot/raisin salad. Most compound salads don't
>have a lettuce base, if I remember correctly. But it can indeed be jello-
>based or even apic based.
>From Cuisine Profeesionelle:
> simple salad is a salad of lettuce, as well as those made from a single
>vegetable, raw or cooked
>  compound salads are all salads made with various vegertables and garnish
>based on meat, fish, pasta, cereals, crustaceans or poultry
> they also are subjected to a more elaborate presentation

For an early 17th century definition of the same terms, see
http://localhost/sca/texts/english-housewife/sallets.html where it says,
in part:

"First then to speak of Sallets, there be some simple, some compounded,
some only to furnish out the Table, and some both for use and adornation:
your simple Sallets are Chibols pilled, washt clean, and half of the green
tops cut clean away, and so served on a fruit dish, or Chives, Scallions,
Rhaddish roots, boyled Carrets, Skirrets and Turnips, with such like served
up simply: Also, all young Lettuce, Cabbage-Lettuce, Purslane, and divers
other herbs which may be served simply without any thing but a little
Vinegar, Sallet Oyl and Sugar; Onions boyled; and stript from their rind,
and served up with Vinegar, Oyl and Pepper, is a good simple Sallet; so is
Camphire, Bean-cods, Sparagus, and Cucumbers, served in likewise with Oyl,
Venegar and Pepper, with a world of others, too tedious to nominate."


Lady Katherine Robillard  (mka Kirrily "Skud" Robert)
katherine at infotrope.net  http://infotrope.net/sca/
Caldrithig, Skraeling Althing, Ealdormere
"The rose is red, the leaves are grene, God save Elizabeth our Queene"

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