[Sca-cooks] Trimaris (was Black Ice)

Ted Eisenstein Alban at socket.net
Thu Nov 29 10:57:12 PST 2001

>Yes, Olwen..... However.......
>When I lived in Storvik, I remember the rats that were big enough to
>ride to school....you know, the ones that would sit on the bus and mug
>you for your school lunch (food content) or the raccoons that would
>climb onto the back deck and knock over the jars of sourdough culture.
>Not to mention the roaches so big that you couldn't tell them apart from
>1980's Saabs... The ones that wandered the streets of DC in gangs
>spraypainting your cars

At least you don't have possums that sneak into garages, and then do their
evil plot by dying and then smelling up the whole house. Or woodchucks
that live under the front steps and eat their merry way through any package
left by the UPS man. Or, my personal favorite, squirrels and other rodents who'll
warm themselves up by camping inside a nice, toasty truck engine without
there being any sign they're there - until you start the engine the next morning.
(I once took the truck in for a weird-sounding noise in the engine. The mechanic
opened the hood, checked a couple of things, pulled out a weird-looking tube,
and asked "You live on a farm, don't you?". . . <sigh>)


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